Saturday, May 22, 2010

School's Out for Summer!!!

We made it! There were days when I wasn't sure we would, but we did. K finished Kindergarten loving school and sad that he wasn't going back for 82 days. M finished Pre-K glad that she gets to stay home all day this summer. We were very blessed with the most amazing teachers this year. I don't know how they do it but I am so very glad they do.
Here is our first day of school pics

... and last day of school

Monday, May 10, 2010

quote of the day

Me (talking to the kids): guys gets your rooms clean & in a little bit we will play a game.
Kel: the wii?
Me: No, we are going to keep the weather on to watch the storms
Kel: oh I have a game, let's play duck duck goose!!!
Me: Laughing, well I was thinking more like a board game

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The start of the craziness

We are into the last few weeks of school! While I love staying busy, This is ridclous! We have something every day/evening for 2 weeks. Tonight we had a dress rehearsal for the kids recital. The show is going to be so fun. He kids enjoyed tonight but were worn out & asleep when we got home. Now I am sitting in a quiet house. What's a girl to do?